About Us

How we got here…

Let’s go all the way back to 2016. I had been a full time youth pastor at Crosspoint Christian Church in Selma, AL for 7 years, but I felt God preparing me for a new season. I was reading ‘Radical’ by David Platt and ‘Interrupted’ by Jen Hatmaker. A shift was happening in my heart. I wanted to get outside of the walls of the church and meet people where they were; in the middle of their need.

Crazy things started happening. First, I had a dream that I was ministering to people on the beach. Then I received an unexpected call from an old acquaintance. They said they did not know why, but they felt like they should let me know that there were a lot of great ministry opportunities in Baldwin County that would be perfect for me. Next, I asked the Lord to speak clearly and he did. I received a random word from a Pastor who told me that he saw me wrapped in the flag of Israel. He believed it represented the faith of Abraham, and that God was telling me to go somewhere by faith. I knew exactly what he meant, so that’s what I decided to do.

On my last Sunday at Crosspoint, I shared my heart with the congregation. I really had no idea what God was sending me to do, but it all came out sounding a whole lot like the One Church you see today. Once I moved to the Gulf Coast, I visited a church in Foley where it just happened to be vision Sunday. Pastor JP, of Summit Church, shared a vision he had never shared with his church before. You guessed it! It was almost verbatim what I had shared with my home church. I knew immediately that was where I was supposed to be, so Pastor JP and I met and began to work towards the dream together.

I was blown away when I found out that he had been meeting with a large group of pastors from Baldwin County for years who had been praying and dreaming of a way they could show the love of God to the community as one unified body. The stage was set and hearts were ready. Now, almost 7 years later, after much prayer, planning preparation, and patient perseverance God has said it is time! Finally, the dream is becoming the reality and we are filled with eager expectation and excitement for what God has in store! We truly believe that when the church becomes one, the Earth will see the full glory of God.

-Robert Davis, One Church Int