We are a network of churches that have united

in order to meet the greatest needs of those hurting within our community.

But now there are many parts, but one body.

Through the One Church Network we are teaching Churches how to strategically link arms with one another in order to bring lasting transformation.

Together we can..

We host regular events, including community outreaches, serve days, prayer and worship services, and volunteer celebrations where multiple churches come together.


The impact we have on our communities is much greater when we serve together.


There is power when the church prays as one.


We touch the heart of God through unified worship that transcends all boundries.

a text on a letter board
Photo by Jorge Urosa on
We are working to elevate the hurting beyond their circumstances, end broken cycles and help people discover their God-given worth.

to be a part of One Church

We are a network of churches from various denominations and cultures that seek to display the unity that Jesus desires for his body. We believe unity should be more than words spoken or conferences attended. We long to see that unity displayed by touching the deepest hurts of our community.

By combining relationships and resources, we seek to elevate the hurting beyond their circumstances, helping them to discover their worth by participating in a journey that ends broken cycles and replaces them with practices that lead to experiencing their God-given worth and purpose. We have developed a strategic plan to accomplish this one community at a time and we are getting started right here in our own county! Read on to find out how you can be a part…

One Church Blog


On February 15th, through our partnership with The Sea Glass Initiative, we are coming together to provide hot meals to Baldwin county residents in need at Lillian Methodist Church through our hot meal program, The Table.

On February 24th, we will have an All Volunteer breakfast, 10am at Summit Church, for all who are volunteering with One Church or Sea Glass in any capacity or whom are interested in finding out more about volunteer opportunities.

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Every donation supports the mission of uniting the church to bring hope and healing to our community.