The Table


“Feeding the hungry in Baldwin County with dignity and support, physically and spiritually”.

The Table hot food ministry is under the umbrella of One Church Network of Baldwin County. Our mission statement is important to us – “Feeding the hungry in Baldwin County with dignity and support, physically and spiritually”. We want to be open and welcoming to whomever may need a hot meal. We all need to eat; it’s a universal language, but many people, including a lot of children in Baldwin County are going hungry.

Our hot food organization believes in preparing fresh, locally sourced (when available), nutritious foods for the people of Baldwin County who may be experiencing food insecurity. Because of our philosophy of serving fresh foods, we want our food served to be a welcoming experience such as we would give friends in our own homes. Many of the meals will be served at Redemption Church at 181090 US-98 in Foley, Alabama. Some of the hot meals will be distributed from other church parking lots. Our goal is to make this food easily accessible for those needing it. We will make our distribution times and place known through social media, flyers, social services, word of mouth, and local hosting churches.

Our volunteers come to serve from many different churches and organizations. We are fortunate in having a talented crew composed of some former restaurant owners, former and current chefs, and most importantly, folks who have a heart to serve those needing a good, hot meal. We welcome others to join our mission.

Because we are purchasing the foods we cook, we are continually in need of monetary and local fresh food donations. Overstock of produce and meats is especially appreciated. As a 501© (3), donations are tax- deductible and should be made to One Church Int. and noted as for The Table. Please join us in building this group and ending the hunger that is currently too prevalent in Baldwin County.

“Feed the hungry and help those in trouble.

Then your light will shine in the darkness,

And the darkness around you will be as bright as day”

  • Isaiah 58:10